- Abstracts, descriptions and claims, drawings and figure legends, in the technical, medical and pharmaceutical fields of invention,
Technical documentation
- Installation, operation and maintenance instructions, operator/user manuals, safety data sheets, etc,
Medical documentation
- Patient kits, medical devices, medical surveys, clinical trials,
Sports and nutrition
- Health and well-being, sport and fitness equipment, food and drink,
General business texts
- Business letters, press releases,
Marketing texts
- Product brochures, e-commerce.
I translate technical, marketing and business texts from English, French and Danish into Swedish.
I always ask to see the source text before taking on a project, to avoid misunderstandings or accepting a translation outside of my scope of expertise.
All translation is charged per word, based on the source word count.
I proofread Swedish translations in my areas of expertise, to detect and correct grammar and spelling errors, checking general accuracy, marking up amendments (usually using Word's editing tool Track Changes or annotations in PDF) and advise the client of any pro-blems.
All proof-reading is charged by the hour.
I edit Swedish texts (originals or translations) in my area of exper-tise, making sure the text flows well, changing expressions if necessary and making sure any 'translationese', such as angli-cisms, syntactic errors, incorrect lexical choices and unidiomatic language usage is eliminated.
All editing is charged by the hour.